A network dedicated to art-house cinema.
IFSN is a team of established media outlets covering the most essential developments in indie and international film.
Through reviews, interviews, podcasts, videos, news, special features, and extensive film festival coverage, IFSN stands apart by beginning, advocating for, and pushing the word-of-mouth.
We offer premium advertising for entertainment distributors and creators, reaching the most passionate cinephiles in the world.
- RogerEbert.com
The world’s preeminent destination for movie criticism, commentary and community.
- The Film Stage
Your spotlight on cinema since 2008.
- Slant Magazine
Over the past two decades, Slant Magazine has carved out a unique niche for itself in the world of independent and mainstream film, TV, home video, and beyond.
- Screen Anarchy
Casting a truly global eye on the emerging talents and trends of the film world.
We heart subtitles!
- Hammer to Nail
Connecting readers to the most ambitious viewing on the planet.